PRAYER is the first and most important recommendation in ISLAM and MOSQUES are more than their dictionary definition of ‘a place of MUSLIM worship’.
For many MUSLIMS their local MOSQUES form central hubs, where communities come together to worship, inform, educate, support and of course feel a sense of belonging.
There are over 2,000 MOSQUES in the UK ranging from enormous architectural wonders to tiny rooms. We want to celebrate and showcase these stories as well as share information and develop support structures for MOSQUES, their Congregations and their Patrons.
If you would like to find out more about my story and what lead us to begin this journey, please click here.
If you want to find out how we can help you, your project or your local mosque, register below and we will contact you when we are up and running, Inshaa’Allah.
Thank you.
Mohammed Firoz Hussein